16 June 2010

satu malam yang hening

last nite.. as i was trying to sleep after i wished good night to my baby.. shah 'forced' me to take us to w. maju.. so me and shah and amir went to pick up izzul.. and we went to w. maju.. we watched brazil vs N korea.. then lepak KFC.. ttbe there's this fatso.. tegur amir and shah who were talking bout 'masalah dunia' while me and izzul were having some nonsense chatting..

fatso : abang macho!! ada singgit x? abang teksi 2 da anta aku jauh2 tp aku xde duit nak bayar ..

that guy i swear to god was high.. i can tell u know :)

shah gave that guy singgit and he went to tegur me and izzul pulak..

izzul : ktorang xde duit la bro.. klau ade duit da masuk da makan KFC.. g la kat NZ rmai org kaya2..

he went inside kfc to pau the staffs there.. the cabbie thought it was pointless and left.. that guy came out from the kfc with a snack plate set.. like wtf... ckap xde duit.. sumpah crack gile.. then he stayed ther in the kfc and makan the chicken he bought.. then we wanted to dine in kfc 2.. bt that fella is still there.. shah and amir cuak nak masuk so me and izzul like wtf.. masuk je la.. we ordered our meal and then that fella kacau lagi..

fatso : bro.. phone ko ade kredit x? ak nak pnjam jap a...
me : (washing my hands ready to eat) xde la bro.. ak pon gune SOS topup and da nak abes da..

then he went to our table and asked amir, shah and izzul the same thing..

amir : ktorang xde phone.. baru td jual xde duit nak makan..
fatso : betul2 la bro ak mntak elok2 ni(muke crack)..
izzul : 2 sane nz rmai yg ade phone.. ko g la lari sane.. kasi kurus sket..

and that guy left.. so.. moral of the story.. if you are asking people for sympathy or help.. make sure you're not high or at least cover a bit la your steam.. if not.. you'll end up like that fatso we met last nite..

cheers :)

1 comment:

  1. pengajaran
    makan the chicken jgn sampai kantoi n cover the steam leklok
